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A Passion for the Arts

Research has shown that listening to music or engaging in the arts can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain, as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory. So, who wouldn't want to support this cause? We are behind building something remarkable.

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Our Story

Built in 1938, the Hamilton Theater is a charming, 320-seat, Spanish-styled theater that served the armed forces that were stationed at Hamilton Field. The Theatre building has cast-in-place Churrigueresque concrete medallion serving as attic vent - and is a very unique design effect to this structure, and other buildings in the Hamilton Field area. Churrigueresque refers to a Spanish Baroque style of elaborate sculptural architectural ornament which emerged as a manner of stucco decoration in Spain in the late 17th century and was used up to about 1750, marked by extreme, expressive and florid decorative detailing, normally found above the entrance on the main facade of a building.


The Hamilton Theater is an original structure, erected at the beginning of Hamilton Field’s pre-World War II development. The Theater was in operation as late as 1994 and has a newer cinema screen. The building itself has become the symbol of the new Hamilton Field community, part of Novato, California, about 25 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge.


As for the NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer's) Club and mess hall was the scene of much of the social activity on base for a great number of its residents. The dining hall facilities, card rooms, dance floor, and band stand were on the first floor, while the club operations, including offices, were housed upstairs.It was torn down due to the hazardous condition of the building in general. Only its foundation has survived. 


See more on the Library of Congress registry links of these important buildings: 

Hamilton Theater, Hamilton NCO Club and Hamilton Amphitheater.


Also visit the State Historical Building Code (SHBC) pages on the obligation of the City of Novato to preserve our historical traesures.


The two Theaters' and NCO Club inclusion in the original Hamilton plan shows the importance of entertainment in its culture and ability to VITALIZEENTERTAIN, INFORM, EDUCATE, and above all, BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER. 


This VISION is at the base of our PASSION for our Hamilton Field Community, and we are committed to its revitalization.


Important Update As Of August 12,2022

The Hamilton Arts Foundation formed in June 2022 is a 501(c)3 at the State and Federal level.

Meet The Founding Board

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Laura van Galen

Executive Director

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John Zorn

Business Advisor


Kyle Hixon

Fundraising Advisor

Our Wishful, Future Sponsors

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